

Astrological sign of Pisces
The twelve Zodiac signs are an astrological version of birthstones in addition to the twelve months according to the Gregorian calendar.

Dates: February 20 - March 20

Twelfth Sign of the Zodiac: The sign of the Fish

Birthstone of Pisces: Aquamarine

Alternate Birthstones of Pisces: Amethyst, Ruby, Bloodstone and Jasper

Ruling Planet of Pisces: Neptune

Ruling Element of Pisces: Water

Birthstone and Zodiac Signs
The signs of the Zodiac, including Pisces, are used to cast horoscopes from astrological calculations which are used as a guide to personality, relationships and business affairs.

The Zodiac sign of Pisces represents the placement in the sky where the sun was during the time of birth and, in the case of Pisces, influences people who were born between the dates of February 20 - March 20. The Zodiac sign of Pisces is ruled by Neptune, one of the planets in the Solar system. The planet Neptune rules over the gemstone, or birthstone Aquamarine.

The Aquamarine has its own unique properties relating to color, crystalline structure, character and abilities. The Aquamarine gemstone, or birthstone assigned to Pisces is believed to influence both positive and negative personality traits and characteristics of those born under the astrological sign of Pisces.

Pisces Characteristics & Personality
Pisces (the sign of the Fish) is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac, influencing people born between February 20 - March 20. The Water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are associated with growth processes, identification and emotion. Combined with other elements, water feels that fire will make it boil, air will evaporate it, but earth will shape and channel it. Those born under the sign of Pisces possess positive characteristics and personality traits and are often described as:

  • Romantic

  • Generous

  • Receptive

  • Honest

  • Affectionate

Negative traits - apt in some circumstances to be:

  • Fickle

  • Passive

  • Hypersensitive

  • Paranoid

  • Prone to exaggerate

The Pisces Birthstone - the Aquamarine
The birthstone for Pisces is the Aquamarine. The Zodiac sign of Pisces also responds to Amethyst, Ruby, Bloodstone and Jasper. The tradition of giving gifts of jewelry containing these stones dates back thousands of years. The gemstone, or birthstone Aquamarine is believed to conduct the energies of the planet Neptune with which it is sympathetic and that wearing jewelry containing the gemstone will focus the energies of the planet and sign through the gem.

Properties of the Aquamarine - the Pisces Birthstone
The properties with which the Aquamarine, the birthstone of the Zodiac sign of Pisces, is associated are as follows:

  • Faithfulness, courage and friendship

  • Awareness, quick response and easing communication problems

Healing Properties of the Aquamarine
The healing properties of the Pisces birthstone are reputed to be effective for health problems relating to:

  • Throat problems

  • Stress-related illness

Birthstone Index
Birthstone Zodiac Signs

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