Amethyst Birth Stone

Birthstone Color for February

Facts and Information about the Birthstone Color for February
Facts and information about the Birthstone Color for February:

  • February Gemstone: Purple Color Amethyst

  • February Birthstone Color: Purple

  • Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
  • Aquarius dates: January 21 - February 19
  • Amethyst come in a wide range of natural colors and shades including purple, reddish purple to bluish purple. In its purest form, Amethyst is colorless.
  • The purple coloration is caused by the presence of iron and / or manganese

Symbolism and Meaning of the Birthstone Color for February
Individual Birthstones colors, such as the Purple Color Amethyst, also have special attributes.

The meaning behind birthstones colors were symbolised by their association with events which occurred in history, many of which date back, and relate to, the biblical meanings of colors. The Christian meaning of Purple was highly symbolic. From Ancient times wise men and healers have believed that jewels and gemstones, such as the Purple Color Amethyst, have mystical powers and conduct the energies of the ruling planets with which each gemstone is associated which affect our physical or emotional well being and healing powers.

Gemstones and their attributes were related to signs of the Zodiac or month of birth and referred to as Birthstones. The symbolism and meaning of the Birthstone Color for February is as follows:

  • The symbolic meaning of the color purple was for penitence and mourning. Purple also has a Christian / Biblical meaning and is the liturgical color for the seasons of Lent and Advent

Birthstone Color for February - Hue, Tone and Saturation
Birthstone Colors are determined by the impurities or structural defects that cause the coloration and the gemstones selective absorption of certain wavelengths of light called the body color. In gemstones, color consists of three components:

  • Hue - the first impression of the colour Purple
  • Tone - the lightness or darkness of the ranging from light to medium to dark
  • Saturation - the intensity of a gemstone's colour which is measured from dull to strong to vivid
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