

Birthstone Color Chart

Birthstone Colors are determined by the impurities or structural defects that cause the coloration of the gemstones.

In gemstones, color consists of three components:

  • Hue - the first impression of the color of the gemstone
  • Tone - the lightness or darkness of color ranging from light to medium to dark
  • Saturation - the intensity of a gemstone's color which is measured from dull to strong to vivid

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) by which gemstone colors are graded are detailed in the following Birthstone Color Chart.

Color Grading Chart for Gemstones and Birthstones


Purple P
 reddish PurplerP
 Red-Purple or Purple-Red RP/PR
 strongly purplish Red stpR
 slightly purplish Red slpR
 Red R
 orangey Red oR
 Red-Orange or Orange-Red RO/OR
 reddish Orange rO
 Orange O
 yellowish Orange yO
 orangey Yellow oY
 Yellow Y
 greenish YellowgY
 Yellow-Green or Green-YellowYG/GY
 strongly yellowish Green styG
 yellowish Green yG
 slightly yellowish Green slyG
 Green G
 very slightly bluish GreenvslbG
 bluish Green bG
 very strongly bluish Green vstbG
 Green-Blue or Blue-GreenGB/BG
 very strongly greenish Blue vstgB
 greenish Blue gB
 very slightly greenish BluevslgB
 Blue B
 violetish Blue vB
 bluish Violet bV
 Violet V
 violetish PurplevP
Birthstone Index
Birthstones Colors Index

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